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Perfect Pitch 2

created 20.01.2022 by Moworks
An app that can help to improve musical hearing

We have recently finished an app for a company called Perfect Pitch. This app is handy for musicians learning notes. It can improve musical hearing by answering questions over the melody played.

Platform: Windows
Type: Standalone, MIDI instrument
Languages and methods: C#, XAML, Windows UI

How does it work

First, you can select criteria for playing a piece of a melody.
You can choose what kind of tone you want (dyad, triad, chord, or ultra-note). Would you like to hear the higher or lower pitch? You can choose a range of octaves from -3 to 3. You can choose from a pair of notes or how hard a target note should play, as well choose a type of repetition and some other parameters.

Click the button melody A or melody B and the melody will play. Furthermore, Perfect Pitch 2 will ask you a question. What note has played? What is the lowest note?

If you go to settings, you can choose parameters that will affect the duration of play, length of the notes, velocity, or other parameters. Perfect Pitch 2 is a MIDI device. Therefore, we can use it as a MIDI input for MIDI instruments in any DAW like Ableton, Logic, FL studio.

We are happy that our client and others can benefit from the learning possibilities Perfect Pitch 2 offers. It is an interactive and fun tool to be used.